If you own a business, you would agree that most of your business come from your existing customers. A repeat business is so much easier than getting a new client.

A simple career like a tuition provider will see his students stay for years. Many of these students (or their parents) even refer many business to their tutor.

They refer business to you because they remember you (on top of the fact that you are good).

For a brick-and-mortar business, it’s sometimes quite hard for your walk-in / one-time customers to remember you after each transaction.

But there is a way!

Do a simple test on your friends now:

Ask them if they have heard of ‘kokusai security’. I bet that not more than 2 out of 100 people you ask will give you a positive answer.

But if you ask them if they have heard of ‘Catch Cheating Spouse’…

8 out of 10 will answer yes, yes, yes…


All because of their BUMPER AD STICKER on a few hundreds taxis!

It’s so easy to remember it! Smart ‘kokusai’! Well done!

One of our clients shared with us many of his customers go to HearingAids.com.sg to look for telephone numbers and its branches’ actual address.


How about you? Can your customers remember you?